Why settle for the same predictable picks in League of Legends when there’s a whole world of off-meta ADCs waiting to shine? The bot lane has long been dominated by traditional marksmen, but unconventional champions can bring surprising strengths that shake up the meta and catch opponents off guard.
1. Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate, often seen as a mid-lane mage, surprisingly shines as an off-meta ADC in League of Legends. His hybrid playstyle allows him to build both attack damage and magic power effectively, making him flexible for different scenarios. With Stacked Deck (E) increasing his base attack speed with each skill level, he doesn’t even need early-game items to farm efficiently or trade well.
His laning phase is straightforward thanks to the long-range ability of Wild Cards (Q) that lets him poke opponents or clear waves from a safe distance. Additionally, when paired with strong supports like Braum, Thresh, or Tahm Kench, TF can dominate the bot lane without overextending or risking unnecessary dives.
Building high-attack-speed items such as Guinsoo’s Rageblade and Runaan’s Hurricane enables more frequent uses of Pick a Card (W)—and those gold cards are game-changers during team fights. Finally, his semi-global ultimate Destiny (R) adds unmatched utility by revealing enemies and teleporting strategically across the map for ganks or escapes.
2. Annie

Annie stands out as a surprising off-meta ADC pick in League of Legends, offering explosive burst damage and versatility to the bot lane. With a current win rate of 49.55% in Patch 14.24, she might not be conventional, but skilled players can leverage her strengths effectively.
Her builds often revolve around attack-oriented items like Doran’s Blade, complemented by powerful late-game choices such as The Bloodthirster and Lord Dominik’s Regards. These equip her with both sustain and critical strike potential for extended trades or pokes. To enhance her performance further, optimal rune setups combine attack damage and ability power to amplify both basic attacks and spells.
While Annie relies heavily on repositioning due to her short range compared to traditional ADCs, her stun mechanic via Pyromania (Passive) provides game-changing crowd control opportunities during skirmishes and team fights—making opponents regret underestimating this unconventional mage-turned-carry choice.
3. Hwei
Hwei stands out as a unique off-meta ADC option in League of Legends, offering players a fresh and unpredictable playstyle. Originally designed for the mid-lane, he has transitioned effectively into the ADC role due to his long-range poke and highly versatile kit.
His strengths lie in his ability to perform well against both traditional ADCs and squishy champions reliant on positioning. With abilities that excel at zoning enemies, Hwei can control team fights or skirmishes by exploiting mistakes from over-aggressive foes. When paired with supports who provide crowd control or sustain—such as Leona or Lulu—the potential for dominance spikes further.
4. Jayce

Jayce stands out as an unconventional yet intriguing choice for the ADC role in League of Legends. While he’s never been a meta marksman, his hybrid playstyle and versatility make him valuable under certain conditions. With a win rate of 43.97% on Patch 14.24, he remains viable despite operating outside the traditional ADC scope.
Players favor item builds like Doran’s Blade to start, transitioning into high-damage options such as Essence Reaver, Lord Dominik’s Regards, and Bloodthirster later in the game. These items amplify his burst potential and sustain during battles. His rune setups often center on Precision with sub-options in Inspiration or Domination, emphasizing attack damage, critical chances, and ability haste.
What sets Jayce apart is his mix of poke from range and devastating all-ins once opponents are low health. Although weaker early-game compared to standard ADCs, he scales impressively over time with strong farming capabilities alongside either roaming supports or enchanters.
5. Karma
Karma stands out as a surprising off-meta ADC pick due to her utility-focused kit and consistent poke damage. Traditionally played in support or mid-lane roles, she transitions into the bot lane as an unconventional carry with unique advantages against standard ADCs.
Her Inner Flame (Q) provides long-range harass that deals solid magic damage while forcing enemies to reposition during trades. When empowered by Mantra (R), this ability delivers substantial AoE burst potential. Paired with strong laning supports like Janna or Nami, Karma ensures sustained pressure in early-game skirmishes.
Despite lacking critical scaling compared to traditional marksmen, Karma compensates through Focused Resolve (W)’s lockdown capabilities and Inspire (E) granting shields and bonus movement speed for quick engages or escapes. She thrives on versatile builds such as Liandry’s Anguish combined with Ardent Censer for increased poke efficiency and survivability.
Though unorthodox, skilled players can harness her strengths to dominate opponents using aggressive crowd control setups and methodical playstyles.
6. LeBlanc

LeBlanc as an off-meta ADC offers a unique playstyle that thrives on outmaneuvering enemies. Her exceptional mobility, thanks to “Distortion” (W) and her ultimate, lets her engage or escape with ease. This makes her one of the hardest bot laners for opponents to pin down.
She brings surprising utility compared to standard ADCs. Abilities like Ethereal Chains (E) provide valuable crowd control, locking targets in place during crucial moments. This hard CC can quickly turn skirmishes into favorable situations while complementing aggressive support champions.
What sets LeBlanc apart is her ability to toy with enemy perceptions. Using tools such as “Mimic” (R), she creates decoys or copies abilities, tricking foes into wasting spells or mispositioning themselves—a rare advantage in the bottom lane meta.
While unconventional, skilled players capitalize on her strengths by focusing on adaptive builds including Luden’s Tempest for burst damage and Hextech Rocketbelt for increased mobility in fights.
7. Veigar
Veigar, traditionally a mid-lane mage, has emerged as an off-meta ADC with surprising success in League of Legends’ bot lane. Thanks to buffs in Patch 13.4 increasing the range of his Baleful Strike (Q) and Dark Matter (W), he now boasts a stronger laning phase and greater viability for challenging conventional ADCs.
His Event Horizon (E) is one of the most impactful crowd control abilities. It not only prevents ganks but also sets up flawless plays for allies during fights or skirmishes. In late-game scenarios, its short cooldown—approximately five to six seconds—positions him as a key playmaker who can turn team fights around instantly.
Pairing Veigar with supports like Thresh or Nautilus enhances his offensive capabilities due to their reliable engage tools, while champions such as Lux or Morgana push his damage potential even further by enabling aggressive trades. His unmatched ability scaling allows him to deal catastrophic burst damage—even assassinating tanks in some instances—truly redefining what it means to be an ADC threat in unconventional fashion.