5 Best Places Where You Can Store Items Safely in Skyrim

In Skyrim, reliable storage solutions are a traveler’s best friend, freeing you from the burden of inventory management. You can breathe a sigh of relief knowing there are five go-to locations where your precious items will be safe.

Your owned houses, trusted companions, the Thieves Guild, and a certain abandoned house in Markarth offer ample storage options.

But which ones provide the most convenience and security, and how can you maximize their storage capacity?

Houses you own

Owned houses in Skyrim provide ample storage options for players. Each house has its unique set of storage containers, including chests, drawers, and shelves, allowing for organized gear management. The storage capacity increases with the acquisition of more houses, enabling players to collect and store a large number of items.

Every house has distinct storage features, making it easy to keep items categorized. For instance, some houses have display cases for showcasing valuable items, while others have hidden compartments for storing precious goods. Understanding the storage layout of each house helps players maximize their storage space.

To effectively utilize the storage options in owned houses, players can follow a simple approach. Start by designating specific containers for different item categories, such as armor, potions, or books. This helps maintain a clutter-free environment and streamlines the process of finding specific items.

Additionally, consider storing frequently used items in easily accessible locations, while keeping less essential items in harder-to-reach areas.


Skyrim’s companions can be a convenient alternative to storing items in owned houses. Certain companions have a decent carry capacity, allowing you to store items with them.

Lydia, your housecarl, can carry a substantial amount of weight, making her a useful storage option. J’zargo, the Khajiit mage, can also carry a fair number of items, while Serana, the vampire, has a decent carry capacity, although her unpredictable nature may make her a less reliable choice.

Keep in mind that each companion’s carry capacity is limited, so it’s essential to distribute items thoughtfully among them. By utilizing your companions’ storage capabilities, you can free up space in your owned houses and keep your inventory organized.


Using a horse is crucial for convenient inventory management in Skyrim’s vast open world. Your horse serves as an extension of your storage, allowing you to carry more items safely and access them when needed. Storing items on your horse simplifies travel and keeps your gear organized, making it easier to traverse the extensive landscape.

By utilizing your horse’s storage capacity, you can significantly expand your inventory space, ensuring that essential items are always at hand without overburdening yourself. This method of inventory management is particularly beneficial during long quests or when exploring remote areas, as it enables you to carry sufficient supplies and equipment without the need to constantly manage your inventory.

Effectively managing your inventory with your horse involves loading items onto the horse and ensuring they’re properly secured. This process allows for a more organized approach to exploration, as you can plan your journeys with the assurance that your items are secure.

Furthermore, with your horse carrying a portion of your inventory, you’re free to focus on the environment and engage with the game world more fully.

When utilizing your horse for inventory management, it’s essential to remember that what you can store is limited by the horse’s capacity. Therefore, it’s crucial to prioritize, storing the most critical items such as healing potions, spare ammunition, or essential gear.

This strategy ensures that your horse is used efficiently, enhancing your overall gaming experience by making resources consistently accessible.

Ultimately, the horse isn’t just a means of transportation in Skyrim but a vital tool for effective inventory management. By leveraging this capability, players can enjoy a more manageable and enjoyable experience as they explore the vast world and engage in quests.

Thieves Guild

Membership in the Thieves Guild provides access to a unique storage solution. The Guild’s hideouts offer a secure place to stash valuable items, with chests available in various locations. Riften’s Ragged Flagon, a black market hub, contains chests for storing items.

Additionally, completing a specific quest unlocks the Ragged Flagon’s secret storage room, offering extra storage space. As you progress through the Guild’s ranks, you’ll gain access to other hidden areas across Skyrim. These areas contain chests where you can store items, providing a convenient way to manage your inventory.

The chests are scattered throughout the Guild’s hideouts, allowing you to store and retrieve items as needed. The storage solution offered by the Thieves Guild is particularly useful for managing valuable or bulky items. By storing items in the Guild’s chests, you can free up space in your inventory and reduce the risk of losing valuable items.

This feature is especially useful for players who enjoy exploring the world and collecting rare items. To access the Guild’s storage solution, simply visit one of the designated hideouts and look for the chests. The chests are easily identifiable, and you can store and retrieve items as needed.

Keep in mind that some chests may be locked or require specific permissions to access. As you progress through the Guild’s ranks, you’ll gain access to more chests and storage space.

Abandoned House in Markarth

The Abandoned House in Markarth offers a secure storage option in the city’s Dwemer Quarter. To access the house, you’ll need to unlock it first.

Once unlocked, you can claim the house as your own and store your items safely in the various chests and containers. The house is easily accessible, and its storage options allow you to keep your items organized and protected.

The house’s storage capacity is suitable for players who need a safe place to store their items. The chests and containers inside are organized, making it easy to find and retrieve your items when needed.

The house’s location in the Dwemer Quarter also makes it a convenient storage option for players exploring the surrounding area.

To use the Abandoned House as a storage option, follow these steps: first, locate the house in the Dwemer Quarter; second, unlock the house to gain entry; third, claim the house as your own; and finally, store your items in the chests and containers.