The Telesto is a favorite among Destiny 2 fans. Although the exotic is a rare drop now, there are a few ways to retrieve it as your own. Here we have gathered some information on the best ways to receive the Destiny 2 Telesto Catalyst and what other exciting things can be done to ultimately receive the catalyst drop to complete your weapon’s full potential.
When equipped, this catalyst increases the drop rate of Reuseable Parts and Weapon Parts from enemies killed with Telesto. This effect does not stack with other similar effects.

This catalyst can also be upgraded to increase its drop rate bonus. To upgrade this catalyst, you must collect Imperials from completing activities in the Leviathan raid. Once you have enough Imperials, take them to Benedict 99-40 in the Tower, and he will upgrade your Telesto Catalyst.
Telesto is a powerful Exotic Fusion Rifle that can be obtained in Destiny 2. This weapon fires Arc bolts that stick to enemies and then detonate after a short period. Telesto is a very effective weapon against shielded enemies, as the bolts will bypass their shields and directly damage their health.
Destiny 2 Telesto Catalyst
Fusion rifles in Destiny seem to have died down for a while, but the Telesto is worth receiving. This weapon is one of the better fusion rifles in the game, originally released during the Taken King. This weapon seems to have broke Destiny 2 quite a few times. Although now, there are only a few ways to receive this exotic.
How to get Telesto Exotic
Telesto is a very rare exotic to be able to find. Most Fusion Rifles have been halted in production, and the drops are very few and far between. Most exotics can be found in the Exotic Kiosk in the Tower, but the Telesto is solely a random drop item. You will have to cross your fingers for an Exotic random drop (which is always a gamble) or visit Xur.
Xur has been known to sell this rifle quite often, making it easier for players to achieve it and less impossible. The best way to see is the catch Xur when he arrives. He is usually only around for a week, so make sure not to miss him.
A video of an example of Xur being found with the Telesto: Telesto Exotic Found Again
How to receive Destiny 2 Telesto Catalyst
If you are lucky enough, you have dropped the Telesto Exotic, which is now in your inventory (yay!). So the big question is, how do you receive the Telesto Catalyst?
As we are in Season 18, receiving the Telesto is rare and requires a lot of grinding in some Lost Sectors. There are plenty of Lost Sectors; many are fun and exciting. The only thing is, the only way to successfully maybe receive the Telesto is to play these two modes:
- Legendary Lost Sector
- Master Lost Sector
Of course, both of these can be found everywhere and are reset every Destiny 2 Season. Few people choose the Moon as a great location to run through Lost Sectors. Not only can you drop great exotics, but you also gain large XP points toward the season ranks.
Tricks to receive Telesto Catalyst
The best way to drop the Telesto Catalyst is to grind out Legendary Lost Sectors. Master Lost Sectors are great, but the Legendary is a much better way to go if you want something a bit easier. Make sure to research the currently available Legendary Sectors and go through the best ways to defeat them to make an easy completion.
Upgrade Destiny 2 Telesto Catalyst
Once you have received the Telesto Catalyst, the best way to upgrade it is to defeat 300 enemies with the Telesto weapon. One of the greatest ways to accomplish this is PvE playlists such as Lost Sectors, Campaign, Strikes, and more.
Modding the Telesto could help improve your damage and ultimately receive more kills if applied. In our opinion, Dungeons or Dares of Eternity. Gambit is also fun to grind through if you are looking for some triumph accomplishments.
Final Thoughts
Destiny 2 Telesto Catalyst is one of the game’s most powerful and sought-after weapons. This guide will show you how to get it. The Destiny 2 Telesto Catalyst can be obtained by completing the Prestige Nightfall: The Ordeal. This is a difficult challenge, but the rewards are well worth it.
To get the Destiny 2 Telesto Catalyst, you must have the Destiny 2 Expansion Pass. With this pass, you can access the Prestige Nightfall: The Ordeal. This is a difficult challenge, but the rewards are well worth it.
Once you have completed the Prestige Nightfall: The Ordeal, you will be rewarded with the Destiny 2 Telesto Catalyst. This is an incredibly powerful weapon and will help you immensely in your journey through Destiny 2.
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