The steam charts Splitgate gives players an idea of how popular the game is. In this article, we’ll be looking at the numbers for the 1047 Games title, Splitgate. The steamcharts show average players, concurrent players, and much more stats.

Here we go.
Steamcharts Splitgate
The Steam charts for the 1047 Games release don’t show the greatest numbers. The game had 1,478 players on it as of 42 minutes ago. Over 1,000 players are not bad but let’s not forget that Splitgate once had a number much higher than that.
The average number of players for the last 30 days is 1,021.4. The percentage gain shows a negative 4.37 percent. The 1,478 players of 42 minutes ago is the peak for the day. It reached its peak in the last 30 days, at 1,601.

In Red
The Steam chart numbers for Splitgate don’t look that good recently, since last year, to be exact. In 2022, just a handful of numbers are in green, indicating a rise/improvement over the previous month. The first green numbers happened in February 2022, with the game registering an 82.6 gain and a 4.39 percent gain. In that month, the game had a peak of 3,533 players.
A few months went by with several drops in players. The peak in May was 2,198, much lower than in February 2022. The game picked up again during June, with 84.3 and 6.18 percent gains.
June was the last time the game saw a peak of players in the 2000s. Every month since has been a drop in players, with the last 30 days being the lowest. And the latest from the studio will likely convince players to look at other options.
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A Quick Comparison
Around the same period last year, the game was still seeing a drop but the numbers were much better. In September 2021, the game had a large drop, showing both stats in red. But it still had a peak of 34,868. The previous month set records for the 1047 Games release.
August 2021 had a whopping 67,724 players on at one point. That continues to be the record for Splitgate after a year.
Steamcharts Splitgate – What Happened?
The split gate was one of the hot gaming topics of 2021. The game made its debut with portals and some cool maps and weapons to go with that. Streamers and everybody playing was hyped with all the plays that could be made with the portals.
The hype slowed down pretty quickly, though. The game began seeing large drops in numbers during October 2021 and the following months. Things have not improved this year, with the peak at its lowest since it debuted on the PS and Xbox last year.
The latest from the studio doesn’t seem like good news either. But we’ll get to that in just a second.

1.0 Version Coming Next Month, But…
Developer 1047 Games recently had some good news on Splitgate, but the rest of the announcement left players with serious question marks.
The developer said it would release 1.0 next month, officially ending the game’s beta stage. That’s great, right? Well yeah, but the developer had more to say about its plans, and they seem to involve a different project.
The developer mentions in a press release that it is working on a new shooter set in the same universe. Exact details are not available yet, but the team is said to be moving full-time to that project.
The announcement went from announcing the game being out of beta next month to being out of the plans. The streamcharts splitgate will remain online, and players can continue having fun in its many game modes. But this likely means a drop in content release. Players will get a free battle pass later this month, delivering some content to keep the game fresh for a little longer.
The good news is that the press release confirms the next project will be free once it is available. We’ll keep you updated on that when 1047 Games makes another announcement.